Te Puke Spatial Plan

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Public consultation has finished on the Te Puke Spatial Plan. Thanks to all those who gave us feedback on what they love about Te Puke and don't want to change, and what they want to see in the town's blueprint for growth in the next 30-50 years.

We're currently reviewing all the feedback. We'll be in touch early next year with a draft Te Puke Spatial Plan guided by what you've told us.

The Te Puke Spatial Plan consultation (below) closed on 30 June 2024.

Tell us what you think and help us develop the Te Puke Spatial Plan - our blueprint for future growth for the next 30 - 50 years.

We want to know what is important to you: what needs improving, what you want to stay the same, what other facilities are needed, and what do your spaces look like in your vision for future Te Puke?

The aim of our spatial plan, also known as an urban plan, is to make sure that the people of Te Puke:

The Te Puke Spatial Plan consultation (below) closed on 30 June 2024.

Tell us what you think and help us develop the Te Puke Spatial Plan - our blueprint for future growth for the next 30 - 50 years.

We want to know what is important to you: what needs improving, what you want to stay the same, what other facilities are needed, and what do your spaces look like in your vision for future Te Puke?

The aim of our spatial plan, also known as an urban plan, is to make sure that the people of Te Puke:

  • have a range of housing options that meet the needs of the community
  • great places to work
  • safe parks to visit
  • a variety of social and recreation opportunities
  • easy access to services and education, and
  • modern community facilities to enjoy

….all while protecting and growing what the community loves about town now.

There’s a lot to love about our town. We recognise and are proud of Te Puke's rich cultural history as well as the mana whenua of Waitaha and Tapuika.

We also want to protect what we love about Te Puke – the natural environment, biodiversity, and historic heritage.

While there’s things to improve, there’s a lot of aroha here. The strong sense of community, diverse culture, rural character, strong economy, beautiful environment, and being a small enough town to always feel connected. These are all things you told us you love about Te Puke in our Your Place Tō Wāhi engagement.

The Te Puke Spatial Plan is the next stage of our planning kōrero, and with your help we can make a plan for future growth of Te Puke that improves the wellbeing of people in the community and guides new infrastructure and facilities. This is a journey, and we’re only just getting started.

Things to consider

We've pulled together a huge amount of information so we have a good understanding of where Te Puke is right now and where it could be in the future. This includes technical reports, the SmartGrowth Strategy, and information we've heard from the community already. Council has also prepared a Baseline Report and commissioned an economic assessment of Te Puke and surrounding areas.

As we start planning for the future of Te Puke, there are a number of things we know from our research above that we need to keep in mind:

  • Te Puke has a growing population, including a higher proportion of youth than other areas, and ethnic diversity.
  • There’s a lack of housing supply, a limited range of housing options, and declining housing affordability.
  • How we manage the three waters network (stormwater, drinking water and wastewater), transportation issues (e.g. roading and congestion), and community infrastructure (e.g. public facilities and reserves), water reserves, and the limitations of our environment to safely receive waste discharges.
  • Supporting economic growth of the subregion and the local economy by making sure we have enough commercial and industrial land available for future development.
  • Where new housing areas have already been zoned, and areas where we could (and can’t) put new residential, commercial, and industrial areas.

…And climate change is putting pressure on all the above.

We want to hear from lots of different people, stakeholders, and our tangata whenua partners to make sure we understand what is important, what could change and what could stay the same.

Got more questions, or want to talk to us in person?

  • See our Frequently Asked Questions document on this page
  • Want to speak with someone? You can contact us on our freephone line: 0800 WBOPDC (0800 926 732)
  • Email us at haveyoursay@westernbay.govt.nz
  • Walk the giant map and kōrero with us
    • Te Puke War Memorial Hall, 28 May – 20 June (Tuesdays 10am – 1pm, Wednesdays 12-3pm, Thursdays 2- 5pm)
  • If you are part of a community group or organisation who would like to give collective feedback, please email us on info@westernbay.govt.nz to set up a time
  • Fill in a hard copy form at the Te Puke Library and Service Centre
  • Come see us at Te Puke’s Te Kete Matariki event
    • Friday 28 June, 10am – 4pm, Jubilee Park It’s free and a fun-filled family day out!

Feedback closes 5pm, Sunday 30 June 2024.

Privacy Act 2020: This form and the details of your submission will be publicly available as part of the decision making process. The information will be held at Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Head Office, 1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga. Submitters have the right to access and correct their personal information.

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Map my feedback

26 days

To participate, please click on the map above, or the 'Go to map' button below.

The coloured icons/lines on the key above indicate community features on the map. 

IMPORTANT: Your feedback can be viewed by other users.  If you don’t want your feedback to be seen, please use the online survey instead.

Instructions for providing feedback:

  • Find the location/area you want to provide feedback on. Zoom into the area by using the + or – on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. 
  • Alternatively, click on the magnifying glass in the top right-hand side of the map and type the area into the search bar.  (Note: do not use the search bar next to the ‘Home’ button, use the one on the map). 
  • Click Add Pin on the left panel (see the ‘plus’ symbol). 
  • Tell us why this location is important for the development of the spatial plan. What do you want to stay the same, or what do you want to change, about this spot?
  • Press the 'Submit' button at the bottom to give us your feedback.
  • Got more feedback? Fill in our online survey.

PRIVACY: Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC) is committed to protecting our customers’ personal information.  We will manage your personal information in accordance with our Customer Privacy PolicyThe information you provide in this submission may be shared with WBOPDC elected members, including local community boards.  

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.